Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Queen of Mirror" (A Vogue Korea Fashion Fairy Tale)

"A Queen of Mirror" as the title for this shoot but it definitely has echoes of Snow White in it. (Note: Monica Bellucci played a Mirror Queen in Terry Gilliam's movie "The Brothers Grimm" from 2005 [heads-up: auto-sound at the official site I've linked to] and there's also a book titled "The Queen's Mirror: Fairy Tales by German Women, 1780-1900 (European Women Writers)" by Jarvis & Blackwell.) And yes, that does look like a glass slipper... Anybody have any ideas on that one?

This is, once again, one of the fairy tale fashion shoots for the December 2009 issue of Vogue Korea. The Korean celebrities for this shoot are Han Chae-young and Baek Seol-goong.

Again, I have no idea of the correct order of these images.
The website for Vogue Korea is HERE.

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