Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Los Angeles Thread Show 11/13/11

I went to the Los Angeles Thread Show 11/13/11, held at the Cooper Design Building in downtown LA.  And to be honest with you, I was disappointed.  I felt like was at a glorified flea market.  So when it comes to your town - I believe it's held in San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle, think twice about going.  

I paid $12 to get in as a VIP, this came with a goodie bag and the ability to come in an hour early.  However coming in an hour early wasn't worth it, no one was set up :(  The swag bag had a bunch of low end make up, a LA weekly (which you can get for free), luna bar, pop chips and a bottle of method water.... so don't get fooled into buying a VIP ticket at regular price for $25 or even if it's on Groupon for $12.  I'm not even sure it's worthing RSVPing and getting in for $5.  I feel that the people putting on the show are pretty much out to make money... I was talking to one of the vendors and they told me that for a small table that they were at was $350.  That's crazy!!!! you can get a table at a flea market that will have more foot traffic and 3 times more space for around $250.  And to top it if, the consumers do not have to pay to get in, so more willing to spend....Geez.....

I felt that the vendors really didn't give you a good price, most vendor only have a 10% discount off retail, items averaged around $45 (come on now... $50 for homemade craft jewelry?!?!? or $70 for an acrylic blend scarf?!?!) needless to say I bought NOTHING.  Everything was to over priced for the quality you were getting.

The saving grace of the whole event was the free manicures.  I had to wait an hour for one, but it was worth it :)  I did pay $10 for a psychic reading and there was a free hair styling booth (but it seemed like they were only putting braids in people's hair with ribbon.

Overall... this show was an EPIC Fail for me.  If you've gone and have a different opinion or agree with me, please leave a comment.  I would love to hear from you.

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